Collaboration & Dispute Resolution
Our Approach
Council Oak can help you:
Evaluate whether a dispute or controversial policy issue is appropriate for a mediated or facilitated solution, which parties should participate in the process, and how the appropriate process should be structured.
Navigate the logistical and communication complexities inherent in multi-party negotiation. Often parties prefer to use a neutral facilitator rather than a mediator to help them communicate effectively and reach their desired negotiation goals. This is especially true of situations where positions are not polarized and parties believe they have more flexibility to make trade-offs and concessions.
Assess your current capacity to use collaborative strategies for addressing environmental and public policy issues and design and implement initiatives to strengthen those capabilities.

What does Council Oak mean? Whether it be a quaint town square in New England or a rural village in Africa, a large tree in the center of town has long been an area of community focus – a place where people gather to hear the news of the day, discuss important issues and make critical decisions. While our work is more virtual these days, “Council Oak” is an idea that guides our connectedness with our clients, reflects excellence in public process and reminds us of our mutually-beneficial relationship as colleagues. Besides, we just like trees!